
Patient Stories

The POTS Care Difference

Kerry’s Story

“They say that words can be impactful, change one’s view of things, and help you to see in a way that maybe you haven’t before. Therefore it is so important that I get this right even knowing words will never suffice.  However, I am writing down my experience to not only tell you that Dr. … Continue reading

Anna Mae’s Story

Hi to everyone, I wanted to let you know that I’m happy with the help I got from you… I’m keeping on improving, it is a slow recovery, but I really appreciate all you did for me. I’m taking my medicines everyday, consistently, and I know that is important. Diamox, for one, helped so much … Continue reading

Maria’s Story

“POTS Care is a team I learned is worthy of my trust. The most important thing for me was the genuine loving and compassionate attitude flowing from everyone. Dr. Driscoll has gone through some of the worst things as a patient herself, and thereby blesses her patients with warmth foreign to some doctors I’ve worked … Continue reading

Annalyse’s Story

“My young daughter of only 11 started having symptoms and issues correlated to POTS and high pressure. Her cousin has had POTS for years and basically just has to deal with it, and so I thought we would have to just suffer. I was determined to help improve her life and came across Dr. Driscoll … Continue reading

Clare’s Story

“Thank you SO MUCH for your help over these last months and for equipping me with the tools and strategies to move forward into a better future! I feel much more confident in my opportunities and abilities in all areas of life moving forward. After going to so many doctors who either didn’t believe me, … Continue reading

Sherlyn’s Story

“We want to thank POTS Care for the wonderful care my daughter, Sherlyn, received! We felt heard and understood by Dr. Driscoll and the team. They knew exactly what we were going through! The whole team had such a personal touch. The audios we received for recovery have been very, very helpful for my daughter … Continue reading

Holly’s Story

“As a single, 37-year-old female that relied heavily on parental support due to an unfamiliar and highly overlooked but crippling diagnosis, I was at my wit’s end to find validation and help to navigate postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome as I had been in a downward spiral for years. After what seemed to be rock bottom, … Continue reading

Anthony’s Story

“Being able to talk to and hear from Dr. Driscoll has made such a huge difference in my recovery. Her demeanor and personal understanding of what I’m going through have made all the difference in the world. It is comforting in a way that’s really hard to explain. All I can say is that it … Continue reading

Moriah’s Story

Moriah came to us in October with many debilitating POTS symptoms, including extreme shortness of breath, brain fog, headaches, pressure at the base of her skull, tachycardia, and varied GI issues. She was unable to work and was bedridden for 2 months at one point. Her reported functionality when we first saw her was only … Continue reading

Rachel’s Story

Rachel is a 14 year old girl who came to us suffering from tachycardia, dizziness, and an inability to stand or walk for any significant amount of time without passing out, to name a few. She spent her days sitting in a recliner unable to do things most kids her age should be able to … Continue reading

Breann’s Story

UPDATE December 2023: “I am doing so well, it is insane to see how much progress I’ve made since July. In fact, I just ran my first marathon about a week ago now and I completed my first semester of nursing school! Thank you again for everything you guys have done for me, I couldn’t … Continue reading

Katie’s Story

“We want to sincerely thank Dr. Driscoll and the entire POTS Care team for the superior treatment you provided for Katie’s POTS diagnosis. We have never met a more professional, thorough, and personable medical team than you all. Katie started treatment in November of 2023 and we noticed a difference in her behavior within the … Continue reading

Brooke’s Story

“My daughter, Brooke, had a sudden onset of POTS in August of this year (2023).  We did not know what caused the sudden onset, but it was brutal!  Brooke was a very active and energetic 12-year-old girl who had just started 7th grade, and she was on the school volleyball team and cheerleading squad.  After … Continue reading

Yulissa’s Story

“I want to talk about how wonderful I am doing, thanks to this team!!! It has been a year, and I am finally back in school and student teaching!!!! I will forever be thankful for all my team!!! You did not send me away and you helped me get to the root cause of my … Continue reading

Amy’s Story

“Diagnosed with POTS and in a place of complete desperation, I found Dr. Driscoll’s clinic information online.  I was seeking places that specifically utilized medical science and the identification of underlying issues for my treatment as I had been living with Dysautonomia for 24 years. After being diagnosed with a vaccine injury and long COVID … Continue reading

Christina’s Story

“It hasn’t been the easiest road, but your guidance each step of the way has made all the difference. Your patience and willingness to help have given me the strength to get through the tougher days. Thank you for all you do! I know you are changing the lives of so many.”   

Graden’s Story

“I just want to give a sincere and huge thank you to all of POTS Care… Dr. Driscoll and the entire team!!  You gave us hope. You gave us direction. You helped us when no one else would. All I can say (and this doesn’t even do it justice at all) is Dr. Driscoll and … Continue reading

Lily’s Story

Watch Lily’s video testimonial or read her story below:    “I came to POTS Care in May 2022, a few months after I had a dual back surgery, a fusion of my L4-L5 along with surgery to drain 3 CSF impacted nerves in my sacrum (Tarlov Cysts). The surgery took 3 surgeons and a robot … Continue reading

Tiffany’s Story

“I am so grateful for the encouragement, compassion and care that I have received from Dr. Driscoll and the POTS Care team. Not only is treatment important and vital for recovery, but so are these things. It has been such a blessing to have a team that validates what you are going through, listens, understands, … Continue reading

Mary’s Story

“Dr. Driscoll and Jana are two of the most caring people we have met in our health journey. In 2010, I was diagnosed with POTS in one of Pittsburgh’s best hospitals. They had no plan for me other than beta-blockers and Florinef.  In 2020, we learned about POTS Care. After talking with them, my husband … Continue reading

Mason’s Story

“From the first call I made, I knew POTS Care was where my son needed to be treated. We discussed my son’s situation and all of his symptoms and I finally felt validated! I spoke with my husband and we decided to start a GoFundMe. We don’t normally ask for help, but we knew we … Continue reading

Ashlyn’s Story

Ashlyn came to POTS Care in March of 2022 after she started having symptoms after receiving a vaccination. Due to her worsening symptoms, she was taken out of school and was unable to drive a car or enjoy life as a normal 17 year old girl. A couple months after starting treatment, Ashlyn was able … Continue reading

Willow’s Story

“POTS Care has gone above and beyond our expectations. Not only did we leave knowing what kind of POTS she has, but we left knowing the ROOT CAUSE!   We’ve learned so much about her body in two days. We’ve learned what type of POTS she has and what causes it. We’ve learned how to treat … Continue reading

Madison’s Story

  “It is worth the drive, the money, everything. It is totally worth it. In four days, my child feels better than she has probably in three months, just to see her being able to get out of bed and straighten her hair and doing her makeup and then feel like even going out after … Continue reading

Jonathan’s Story

  “In less than a month, I have gone from headaches every day and fifteen migraines a month to two headaches and zero migraines in a month. I have a newfound energy. My mind feels so calm. No more emotional tantrums and no more uncontrollable desires to not exist.”   A couple of weeks after … Continue reading

Morgan’s Story

  “Everyone understood me at POTS Care.”   Morgan came to POTS Care in June of 2019 because she was ready to start her young adult life. Her POTS symptoms were worsening.  She wanted to be able to work and finish college.      UPDATE: 8/28/19- In less than 3 months, Morgan’s symptoms have improved … Continue reading

Rachel’s Story

  “If I would have gone to see her earlier, I could have saved myself from 7 months of treatment with my other doctor that only seemed to make my symptoms worse.  I am so thrilled to say that I have seen a huge improvement in my POTS symptoms.”   Rachel, age 22, came to … Continue reading

Fletcher’s Story

  “Fletcher’s health has improved significantly! He is back to doing the things he loves. We are thrilled! Dr. Driscoll is one of our heroes. She is an expert at dealing with POTS.”   Fletcher, age 12, came to POTS Care after suffering for a few years with symptoms sufficient enough that he had to … Continue reading

Jesse’s Story

  “I was very lucky to be a patient of the clinic. I can’t tell you how much better I feel. I really feel like I am on the journey towards wellness again!”   Jesse,  nearly bedridden, was suffering from POTS. In December of 2017, she became a patient and turned her life around. She … Continue reading

David’s Story

  “After suffering from idiopathic constipation and intermittent fatigue for 7 years, and after ~$100K worth of inconclusive doctor visits… Dr. Driscoll is the only doctor I met who has a good handle on this condition.”   David, age 19, was suffering for almost 7 years and had significant symptoms limiting his daily life and … Continue reading

Isabel’s Story

“POTS Care Clinic is amazing, without them I don’t know where I would be right now.  I’m just blessed to have come across some wonderful, sweet people, who really care about people’s wellbeing.”   I want to first start off with praising Dr. Driscoll and the POTS clinic team for helping me overcome some of … Continue reading

Andrea’s Story

“Dr Driscoll’s personal experiences gave me hope during a time when things felt hopeless. I will forever be grateful for the knowledge I received and look forward to a better quality of life”. I was really excited to find POTS Care and get to the bottom of what was causing my POTS, as opposed to … Continue reading

Lizzy’s Story

“Thanks to the team at POTS Care, I understand my condition and have tools to help myself get better.  I feel more educated and in control of my health now and have hope that I can live a normal life.” Lizzy just wanted to enjoy the exciting experiences that come with being a senior in … Continue reading

Linda’s Story

  “I struggled with how to summarize the pain, sickness and loss as well as say thank you to the POTS Care team….there are not enough words to describe Dr. Driscoll and her staff.”  This is a fantastic testimonial that tells LInda’s journey from experiencing the discomfort and frustration of not knowing where her pain … Continue reading

Amanda’s Story

  “Not only did Dr. Driscoll explain in detail what was happening within my body, she also showed me proof on my scans which is exactly what I needed after the journey it took me to get there.”   Amanda was becoming worse over the years because of lack of answers and proper treatment. She … Continue reading

Megan’s Story – One Year Later

  “Thank you all so much.  You are wonderful people, who give people their lives back.  I wish there were more places and people like you in this world.” It’s been a year since Megan started her journey with POTS Care and her road to recovery. In this testimonial, Megan reflects on the past year … Continue reading

Megan’s Story

  “I can now get through my workday and have energy when I get home.”   This is a great testimonial about how a patient got her life back in December 2019. Megan came to us severely ill and she even had a large part of her intestines removed! Her journey over about 8 months … Continue reading

Albert’s Story

    “Here we express our great gratitude to Dr. Driscoll and POTS Care Team for the love and care you have given to Albert. You are our heroes.”   This is an heart warming testimonial from a father whose son came to our clinic for treatment. Albert’s life changed dramatically, for the worse, in … Continue reading

Amber’s Story

  “After seeing Dr. Driscoll and following her treatment plan, I slowly but surely started going uphill again and could feel improvement every week.”   Amber is an incredible example of someone who was dedicated to our treatment plan and got her life back! Recovery can be a battle and Amber won this fight after … Continue reading

Tami’s Story

  “I finally have validation for the host of seemingly unrelated symptoms that I deal with. Thanks to Dr. Driscoll and POTS Care for uncovering my illness and providing me with an accurate diagnosis.”   Update (1/2023):  I lived through 33+ years of no answers to physical crashes and symptoms. Then in 2019 one doctor, … Continue reading

Danielle’s Story

  “My health and improvement matters to them. I don’t feel like a number, but a friend.”   Danielle has been sick for years to the point she couldn’t work and had to stay home alone. Traveling to come to POTS Care was a leap of faith, this was her experience after coming to POTS … Continue reading

Chelby’s Story

  “The doctor had to pave the way, she had to walk the road of sickness and not be able to work for ten years and she had to fund all her research.” A couple of weeks after coming to POTS Care, Chelby shared her progress with her Church family. There is a beautiful song at … Continue reading

Carlee’s Story

  “I was amazed by the fact that Dr. Driscoll and her team had already studied my case before my visit. They were determined to not only treat me for POTS but to find the underlying cause of it. ”   Carlee, age 17, was suffering for years and had significant symptoms limiting her ability … Continue reading

Cassandra’s Story

  “This is how medicine should be practiced.”   Cassandra came to POTS Care to get her life back. She wanted to be there for her 10 children and her husband. Doctors from her country were baffled by her long list of symptoms and illnesses.   “I really appreciated how I got to spend two … Continue reading

Nancy’s Story

    Nancy came to our clinic in September of 2019. Dr. Driscoll’s found the root cause of her illness and changed her life!   “I can’t thank you all enough for all of your kindness when I was there in September and after. Life has been pretty dang interesting since Dr. Driscoll figured out … Continue reading

Christian’s Story

  “I feel blessed to have found POTS Care.”   Christian is a young man who had lost 30 pounds due to his POTS  symptoms. He wanted to be able to play sports again and lift weights. He came to POTS Care with his mother and his girlfriend.     “The education you receive here surpasses … Continue reading

Peter’s Story

  “It was so great that my case was looked at as a whole.” Peter is a young, intelligent college student pursuing his Ph.D. He came to POTS Care for answers!  Here are a few words from Peter and his mother about their experience at POTS Care.   “It is substantially different at POTS Care. … Continue reading

Rachel Anne’s Story

“I truly can’t express my gratitude enough to Dr. Driscoll and her team for leading me into a new, happier and healthier chapter of my life. “   Rachel Anne is a superstar vlogger on YouTube, who has been struggling with symptoms of POTS for years limiting her daily life. Here are a few words … Continue reading

Chlöe’s Story

  “It is surreal to see this little baby girl that was required to leave school in fourth grade, now stand as a young woman in ninth grade! ”   Chlöe, age 14, was suffering for years and had significant symptoms limiting her ability to even attend school. Her mother wrote us an email a few … Continue reading

Emma’s Story

  “Thanks to Dr. Driscoll and the POTS Care Team, I was able to do this” Emma was diagnosed with POTS around 2017 and decided to come to POTS Care after many failed attempts to find relief for her symptoms and suffering.  When she arrived at POTS Care, Emma had lost the ability to dance … Continue reading

Jill’s Story

  “Many doctors and nurses in clinics and ERs had to google POTS and still didn’t know how to help me. I was to the point I was about to give up and just continue to treat my symptoms and accepted this was just my life.”   Jill, age 37, was suffering for years and … Continue reading

Brianna’s Story

  “POTS Care didn’t blame my symptoms on anxiety!”     After experiencing severe symptoms for over 11 years, Brianna came to our clinic desperately needing for us to find the underlying medical cause of her illness. Brianna is a young adult who had been ill most of her childhood.  Here are a few words … Continue reading

Pami’s Story

  “The visit is worth every penny. The doctors and staff are great, helpful, and understanding. It’s amazing the information they can get from scans that were missed by prior doctors. Thank you to the POTS Care team.”   Pami came to POTS Care after years of ineffective symptomatic treatment for POTS associated with EDS. … Continue reading

Valerie’s Story

  “For the first time, I received a clear diagnosis, an explanation of the disease process, what to expect, and how to treat it.”   Valerie had been sick for over 10 years and suffered from horrible stomach issues. She traveled internationally to come to POTS care. Even though the trip was difficult, she knew … Continue reading

Karen’s Story

  “I was treated with the greatest respect as a real human being by the entire team at POTS Care. They listened intently to every little detail I gave them”.   Karen came to POTS Care after being continuously dismissed and misunderstood by  numerous doctors from the top hospitals across the country. She suffered for … Continue reading

Donna’s Story

  “No migraines for 104 days!!! Amazing!!!”   Donna came to POTS Care for treatment in October of 2019. She had been sick for over 40 years! She wrote us this update on January 26, 2020; less than four months after beginning our treatment plan.    “I want to give you a bit of an … Continue reading

Sydney’s Story

  “I still have bad days every once in a while, but I had forgotten what it feels like to feel good for days at a time. My life is continuing to change before my eyes. Every day I get stronger and more confident.”   Sydney, age 19, was diagnosed with POTS at the Mayo … Continue reading

Margaret’s Story

  “Because now I really know it works, I’m telling everyone I know with POTS to go to your clinic.”   Margaret wrote this beautiful testimonial on January 21, 2020. Getting answers and proper treatment made all of the difference to her recovery.       Today marks one year since I was struck down … Continue reading

Katie’s Story

  “Dr. Driscoll took the time to listen and to really get to the bottom of what is causing my body to have POTS was something I had not ever experienced. Dr. Driscoll believed that I had been wrongfully labeled with a mast cell disease, and needed to substantially change my treatment.” Katie came to … Continue reading

Bethany’s Story

    Bethany wrote this touching testimonial after 2 months of being on our treatment plan! She already felt a relief of symptoms and is hopeful for the future.       “When I was 17, I got sick with a cold but somehow I never quite recovered-and that’s when all my “random” symptoms started. … Continue reading

Anneke’s Story

  “Along with the reassurance that the team at POTS Care gave my mum and I, they also impressed us with the immense amount of knowledge they have on POTS.”   Anneke was an accomplished dancer when she began to struggle with POTS. We knew immediately that her condition was not a psychiatric condition but … Continue reading

Jessica’s Story

  “You do not have to suffer from POTS any longer.”   Jessica had severe POTS symptoms for over 11 years with a long list of surgeries, diagnoses, and medications. Jessica was unable to fly due to her deteriorating condition so her husband, Gary, drove her to POTS Care.  After a long three day journey … Continue reading

Kelly’s Story

“The misdiagnosis of MCAS has me fascinated! I was certain of it for so many reasons, BUT I was able to switch gears and totally get on the same page as Dr. Driscoll and not only is she correct, but I am already recovering!”.   Kelly had been sick for fifteen years before finding any … Continue reading

Fiona’s Story

  “I understand what is going on better than I have at any other doctor’s appointments that I’ve gone to. Finding that what I had been doing previously to treat my POTS was actually making me worse was so eye-opening!” Fiona came to POTS Care after going through some scary episodes while she was away … Continue reading

Gabriela’s Story

  “There is no comparison because at POTS Care you feel that they understand you and can help you. They get to the bottom of each symptom to find the reason and from there they treat.”   (Gabriela’s story in English) Gabriela has had significant symptoms limiting her daily life without any answers.  Here are … Continue reading

Katie’s Story

  “I sure wish I would have found Dr. Driscoll 6 ½ years ago.  I might not have had to go through as much suffering! I have a feeling she may have saved my life!” Katie has had significant symptoms limiting her daily life and forcing her to rely on symptomatic rescues just to get … Continue reading

Ross’ Story

  “The first thing that I noticed in speaking to the POTS Care team is that they are fully dedicated and committed to making “invisible illness” visible. In bringing light to the underlying condition that had been responsible for my declining health, it was very evident that Dr. Driscoll placed the utmost importance on making … Continue reading

Erica’s Story

  “I feel like the chemistry is off in my body and I need to set things on the right track before I will have the strength to do the rest of the work that needs to be done. I feel very listened to here, I have a lot of hope and it feels like … Continue reading

Dr. Vicky’s Story

“Finding a resource like POTS Care where not only are the people familiar with it, they are compassionate towards it, have answers, and have personal experience, was hugely helpful.” Dr. Vicky came to POTS Care with symptoms that were interfering with her ability to maintain the rigorous schedule of a practicing physician. Suffering with POTS, … Continue reading

Emily’s Story

“The blood work, ocular, and genetic studies they use at POTS Care to diagnose, and the supplements they use to treat, were the most science- based things I’ve seen at any doctor’s office. There was no guess work in this process.”   Emily spent all of her childhood and into her early twenties suffering from … Continue reading

Maggie’s Story

  “Dr. Driscoll and the POTS Care Team diagnosed Maggie through an individualistic approach.”   Maggie, age 16, came to POTS Care severely deconditioned. Her parents suspected a spinal leak, but we were able to determine this was not one of the underlying causes of her POTS. We avoided using invasive procedures altogether and three months … Continue reading

Kristin’s Story

“Thank you, POTS Care, for a life-changing week, and for the kindness you have all shown in the midst of such a difficult illness”.   Kristin came to POTS Care after being ill for a year and a half. She had visited countless doctors from various modalities only to find that she couldn’t get the … Continue reading

Roberta’s Story

“It is obvious that each patient is given the utmost personal care and that you all are very passionate about helping patients get answers and improving their quality of life!”   Roberta,  came to POTS Care to accompany her sister Renee in July of 2018. These are her words.   I want to send a … Continue reading

Paul’s Story

  “If POTS Care would have been around when I first became ill, I would have ten years of my life back.” “I stick to the treatment exactly and … wanted to thank you, because without your work, it would have been nearly impossible to accomplish the things I was able to accomplish in this … Continue reading

Morgan’s Story

  “You guys were able to find a whole bunch of little things and piece them together. Everything that you guys have done, the way you treated me, this is really the best experience I have ever had, medically.”  Morgan came to POTS Care after being ill for 8 months with POTS, lower leg numbness, … Continue reading

Julie’s Story

  “I have never had so much attention paid to Morgan and me, even if you add up all her doctors’ visits together. The things that we found and discovered while we were here were because POTS Care went all the way back to the beginning of Morgan’s journey.” Morgan had been sick for over … Continue reading

Upali’s Story

  “Most doctors would see me for maybe half an hour at the most and would try to make all the diagnoses in that very short time. Dr. Driscoll and I had consultations for over an hour each day during my visit…other places just try to treat for the symptoms. This is a lot more … Continue reading

Shelly and Allison’s Story

  “It is personal here, it is not just a blanket treatment. The doctors truly go in and look at everything individually.” Shelly and Allison, mother and daughter, came to POTS Care for treatment together. Shelly has been ill her entire life, and was labeled with the diagnoses fibromyalgia and mitral valve prolapse. Allison has … Continue reading

Mary’s Story

  “At POTS Care they look at why a patient has POTS, not just how to cope with or cover up the symptoms.” Mary came to POTS care after two years of dealing with doctor’s that could not get to the underlying cause for her sudden onset of extreme breathing issues. We were able to … Continue reading

Maranda’s Story

  “I found a doctor that helped me and suggested that I go to POTS Care after carefully ruling out other causes.”   After suffering with pain and extreme fatigue for years, Maranda came to POTS Care after her doctors suggested it. It was important to locate the underlying problems causing her symptoms – this … Continue reading

Alaina’s Story

  “I think anyone with POTS should come here because they are really focused on how to heal you instead of just covering it up. They look into what is causing your symptoms and give you a plan where you can get better.” Alaina came to POTS Care after struggling with her illness for 3 … Continue reading

Kimbree’s Story

  “I really have faith that Dr. Driscoll and everyone here at POTS Care can help you! Your suffering doesn’t have to go on forever. That’s the best thing about what they do here.”   Kimbree came to POTS Care after struggling with POTS for 4 years after being triggered by a virus. Her diagnoses … Continue reading

LauraKate’s Story

  “Dr. Driscoll always brings it back to the science part, which is really reassuring.” LauraKate came to POTS Care after suffering with her illness for 5 years. Her diagnoses included POTS, EDS, and depression. She also struggled a lot with fatigue, dizziness, and chronic constipation/gastroparesis. She leaves POTS Care with regular bowel movements for … Continue reading

Rachel’s Story

  “At POTS Care, instead of masking symptoms, all data is taken from my daughter to provide an elegant and specific solution.” Rachel came to POTS Care after struggling with her illness for 2 years. Her diagnoses included POTS, dry eyes, strabismus, IBS, EDS, and psychosis. Rachel also suffered from depression and anxiety. Identifying the … Continue reading

Lafonda’s Story

  “It is all about finding hope and healing, and you take my whole self not just one body system or one symptom and try to fix that. I am treated as a whole being, and I love it. My favorite part is exactly why I came to POTS Care. I believed you could help … Continue reading

Joshua’s Story

  “Lots of other places will tell you that it is in your head, that you just need exercise or drink more water, more Gatorade, more salt. When we came to POTS Care, we learned that most of that was false in many aspects. POTS Care is a lot better. I definitely was not scared … Continue reading

Denise’s Story

  “Your health is the most important thing in your life, and money can’t buy health. It’s coming to POTS Care that is worth it. I have tried everything else and nothing has worked. I feel like I have hope for the first time. ”   Denise came to POTS Care after suffering for two … Continue reading

Jaydon’s Story

  “I never thought healing from POTS could happen. I just thought it would be addressing symptoms enough to get by. Instead, I feel like I can heal!” Jaydon came to POTS Care with diagnoses of POTS and EDS, while living the previous 4 months of her in bed. She struggled with severe abdominal pain … Continue reading

Natalie’s Story

  “Prior to coming to POTS Care, I was passing out multiple times a day and yet after beginning treatment, I suddenly I went to 97 days without passing out! As of today, the frequency of my migraines have decreased remarkably and my fainting spells are few and far between. While I still have bumps … Continue reading

Marcie’s Story

  “Dr. Diana wisdom along with her personal experience with this illness has given her incredible insight — insight that she desires to share!”   Marcie came to POTS Care after struggling with POTS for 16 years. Her diagnoses included Dysautonomia, EDS, MCAS, PCOS, and insulin resistance. Marcie was able to get insight for her … Continue reading

Annie’s Story

  “I think this is the first time that anyone that has tried to help me has treated me like I am not crazy. It is hurtful after a while when you get looked at like you are just a lunatic and it is hard to keep going because people just think that you are … Continue reading

Sarah’s Story

  “You walk in and from minute one there is no question that your whole illness is validated, they understand, they care, they want comfort for you, they want to explain things to you and they are not out to just put Band-Aids on symptoms, they are out to get to the underlying causes of … Continue reading

Shelby’s Story

  “Very few people know and even fewer can understand how difficult these past few years have been for Shelby, but I know that you DO understand and will rejoice with us over her accomplishments. Without you, she would not be where she is today.” Shelby came to POTS Care after suffering for 4 years, … Continue reading

Kris’s Story

  “I’ve been feeling very well. I’ve been able to be more active with my children, garden, work on my hobbies, go out with friends, run, work out a little, drive 2 hours where before I could only drive 30 minutes. I’ve only had one episode, my breathing is better, I’ve gotten several comments on … Continue reading

Catherine’s POTS Story

  “Dr. Driscoll has absolutely remarkably, just been like a forensic detective, and given me the first bit of hope that I have had in a really long time.” Catherine came to POTS Care from England after suffering for 49 years. Catherine has had 31 surgeries in her life and had been diagnosed with POTS, … Continue reading

Malia’s Story

  “I have had doctors, who cared about me, but could not help me, but I feel like Dr. Driscoll is the part that I was missing and that she understands what is going on and I just could not recommend her enough for anybody.” Malia came to POTS Care after a concussion and developing … Continue reading

Bobbie Kay’s Story

  “POTS Care has been amazing, and one of the best weeks I think we have had the entire time she has been sick.” Bobby Kay had taken her daughter to many POTS experts who were unable to identify the underlying causes of her daughter’s illness. By stripping away all labels, and evaluating her daughter’s … Continue reading

CeCe’s Story

  “I have gotten more answers in this one week at POTS Care than I have gotten in the four years that I have known I have had POTS, and within 10 years that I started getting sick after Gardasil, and that is a true blessing.” CeCe came to POTS Care after suffering for 10 … Continue reading

Megan’s Story

  “You guys won’t believe the difference I can already see and feel in my life! Thank you so much for saving my life before my body declined any worse.” Megan came to POTS Care in a wheelchair and using a feeding tube, with diagnoses of EDS/POTS, gastroparesis, chronic pain, chronic fatigue and blood clots. … Continue reading

Ainsley’s Story

  “All of my symptoms have gotten so much better. I no longer have to plan my day around my symptoms. My dizziness and head pain and pressure are so much better. Now I have the energy to work a full day, and to live life like a normal 20-something” Ainsley had been sick for … Continue reading

Krissie’s Story

  “I got immediate relief for constipation, surprisingly. Also, the energy that I had, I mean I can feel it today… I feel really focused and the mental clarity I have – well, something is working!” INTERVIEWER: We know you have been through a lot, but we are going to see if you could just … Continue reading

Katrina’s Story

  “My insomnia has been terrible for years…, (but this week) I have slept for at least eight and a half hours each night… I can tip my head back now…I can also think again in ways that I haven’t been able to in several years.” Katrina is a real patient who asked that we … Continue reading

Skye’s Story

  “I have more energy than I’ve had in a long time. I had so much energy at POTS Care one day that I exercised for 45 minutes!” Skye, a health care professional and a mother of young children, came to us with numerous diagnoses including POTS, extreme and chronic fatigue, gastroparesis, and EDS. She … Continue reading

Susan’s Story

  “The help I got with my fatigue and gastroparesis was worth driving 26 hours to get! That alone was worth the price of admission.” Susan came to POTS Care having suffered 30 years of illness including a diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, POTS, MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome), frozen shoulder, thyroiditis, gastroparesis with constipation (alternating … Continue reading

Catherine’s Story

  “Come, just come, because it will make such a big change in your life just to have someone who understands! Dr. Driscoll has been through it herself and that means so much. I’m sorry that she had to go through that to be able to empathize with us like she does, but it really … Continue reading

Taylor’s Story

  “I would say even three weeks after I came home it became a lot easier to get out of bed, I was not dizzy and I did not have to sit in bed for 10-20 minutes before I tried to get up and move around. I am excited to be able to get back … Continue reading