“The blood work, ocular, and genetic studies they use at POTS Care to diagnose, and the supplements they use to treat, were the most science- based things I’ve seen at any doctor’s office. There was no guess work in this process.”
Emily spent all of her childhood and into her early twenties suffering from an invisible illness that doctors kept missing. With inner strength and fortitude, she finished up college and got her degree, despite getting so weak she could hardly function. After exhausting all of her options and still coming up with no answers, she came across POTS Care and began researching and reading patient testimonials. The testimonials of other patients gave her hope that she too could get better! “.
Interviewer: What would you like to share about your experience at POTS Care, Emily?
Emily: The bloodwork, ocular, and genetic studies they use at POTS Care to diagnose, and the supplements they use to treat, were the most science-based things I’ve seen at any doctor’s office. There was no guesswork in this process. Dr. Driscoll was able to explain the scientific reasoning behind every treatment and diagnosis that was brought up. I especially enjoyed the results of the ocular studies because we were able to look at a photograph of the inside of my eye, and point to an area of swelling or a misshapen artery and know that it proved my “invisible illness” could be seen; you just have to know what to look for.
Interviewer: Were we able to identify any underlying problems contributing to your illness that others have missed?
Emily: Yes! I thought that I had done every test that existed looking for answers. It turns out that my previous doctors didn’t have the knowledge about “rare” issues like EDS and POTS. Once Dr. Driscoll and her team got a hold of me, they knew what to look for and how to look for it. They ended up finding that I had a genetic connective tissue disorder that gave rise to systemic inflammation and a vascular problem that never would have been discovered at a normal doctor’s visit. They also found evidence for high intracranial pressure.
Interviewer: Would you like to share anything about your struggles or journey before coming to POTS Care?
Emily: Before coming to POTS Care I had completely run out of hope for ever having a relatively normal life again. But to start at the beginning, I had a lower immune system, was easily fatigued, and had multiple chemical sensitivities as a young child. I got motion sick very easily on merry-go-rounds and swings. I was functional (but not feeling very well) all throughout my school years. As a senior, I was an overachiever who felt constantly burdened by stress and a compelling need to do more in everything. In college, I was exhausted and self-medicating just to make it through the day. I was in so much pain from working out and I had no stamina as my peers did. I ended up dropping out of college several times due to migraines and a constant stream of bacterial infections of all kinds. My senior year at Christmas time, I got the Epstein-Barr Virus, my first round of cold sores, and a raging strep infection. After receiving antibiotics and steroids from the hospital, I was able to graduate college, but I was declining rapidly. I had to move back home with my Mom because I was no longer able to drive, make meals for myself, or walk more than a few meters. I was exhausted to the bone, had horrible neck pain, dizzy beyond belief with a drunken boat rocking sensation. I also suffered from tachycardia, disorientation, and was basically brain dead in terms of cognition. I was treated for Lyme Disease a nasal staph infection, UTIs, SIBO, and many other infections unsuccessfully. The more I was treated the worse I got, and I became increasingly hypersensitive to foods, pollens, chemicals, fabrics, and medications. I was over-stimulated by everything in my environment and I was living in a bubble. I had seen every “-ologist” out there, but nobody could explain my inflammation as an underlying problem until I came to POTS Care.
Interviewer: Do you have anything you would like to say to others that may be thinking about coming to POTS Care?
Emily: Try not to lose hope! I was a complete skeptic and I researched for many months before coming to POTS Care, but I wish I would have come right away! I have so much peace of mind now, and I trust that I will be able to begin healing finally once I begin treatment. If you are stuck with nowhere to turn come to POTS Care! You will not regret it!
Interviewer: Thank you, Emily, for sharing your story with us!