
Fiona’s Story


“I understand what is going on better than I have at any other doctor’s appointments that I’ve gone to. Finding that what I had been doing previously to treat my POTS was actually making me worse was so eye-opening!”

Fiona came to POTS Care after going through some scary episodes while she was away at school. She felt she had lost complete control of her body. Fiona felt very isolated as nobody seemed to understand what was going on. Friends and family feared she may have been going through seizures and that is when her mother took over and found answers. Thankfully Fiona came to POTS Care in the early stages of her diagnosis. Many thanks to her mother for being the first to realize it was POTS and getting her here to POTS Care.



Interviewer: What would you like to share about your visit to POTS Care?


Fiona: I understand what is going on better than I have at any other doctor’s appointments. I understand so much more. Other physicians I went to for POTS just looked at symptoms and suggested just giving me salt or implanting a heart rate monitor in me. At POTS Care it was different because you all were looking for the underlying problem for my symptoms.


Interviewer: Were we able to identify any underlying problems contributing to your illness that others have missed?


Fiona: Yes! I understand so much more about the condition now and it was impressive how quickly you all were able to come up with answers! I had no clue what was causing it and now we know. Then finding that what I had been doing previously to treat my POTS was actually making me worse was so eye-opening.


Interviewer: Do you have anything you would like to share with others considering about coming to POTS Care?


Fiona: Do it one hundred percent!! It is the most helpful, most informative experience I have had with POTS. I understand so much more about my body, and know how to handle it instead of just taking another salt tablet.


Interviewer: Thank you so much for sharing your story, Fiona!